Monday, April 15, 2013

Taxes done... Time to Go to Annadel

A beautiful weekend and Lisa was in Washington DC to lobby the senators and congressmen  so Jason, Jenna and I decided to head to Annadel State Park in Santa Rosa.

In case you have not been there, it is a beautiful park that is rather hilly but the climbs give great views.  The trails are rather challenging and some are advanced for mountain bikes... what better introduction to Mountain biking for Jenna ! :)

Weather was perfect in the low 60s..

We ended up on RoughGo Trail ( which should have been a hint) and we ended up with a 2 mile climb on so pretty rough trail... but we made it ( with a bit of walking thrown in.

we ended up with about 8 or 9 miles all told but 2900+ feet of climbing .. Fun day!!

Pre Ride 

Jason on RoughGo
Jenna descending

Jason on the way down

Jason did have a mishap

Jenna Climbing